
The Mighty Acorns curriculum offers a comprehensive package of lessons, activities, and materials for teachers of grades 3-5.

As a longstanding program, Mighty Acorns has stood the test of time and its curriculum is no exception. Based on 20 years of teacher and naturalist experience, the newly released curriculum update now aligns with Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

For an overview of the curriculum structure, view the curriculum maps.


Mighty Acorns is most effective if students participate in lessons before, during and after each of the three seasonal field study trips. The Mighty Acorns curriculum provides teachers with the pre- and post-field study lessons, while Mighty Acorns program providers are in charge of how the field study lesson is taught. 


Mighty Acorns contains three levels. Each level is aligned to specific Disciplinary Core Ideas in the Next Generation Science Standards. Levels 1-3 are designed to align with grades 3-5. Modifications can be made to implement the lessons in alternative grade levels and accommodate diverse learners.

Learn more about each level and view sample lessons:

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


During the fall, winter, and spring, Mighty Acorns students venture to a nearby natural area for field study activities. These activities help students explore and learn about their local ecosystems. To prepare students for their field study, the curriculum has pre field study lessons about what they will see on their field trip. The curriculum also has post field study lessons to help contextualize their learning. As mentioned above, the curriculum has three levels corresponding to three different grades. In addition to the grade level breakdown, the curriculum is also organized by season, with different lessons for fall, winter, and spring.



For each season, a teacher may choose from two sets of lesson strands. Teachers are encouraged to choose the strand that best supports what students are learning in their classes at the time. In total, this means that each level of curriculum has 21 lessons. Within each of the three seasons there are: a choice of 2 pre-field study activities, one field study game, and then another choice of 2 post-field study activities, leading to a total of 7 activities per seasonal grade level, and 21 lessons total for each grade level to choose from.  

To access the curriculum, please contact Soledad Maristany.